What is distributed leadership

What is What is distributed leadership? The below diagram explains What is distributed leadership. This chart shows an important concept or a framework to help one run their business, improve company's strategy, internal processs, enhance project management, technology, and client experience.

What is distributed leadership

One of the main differences between traditional leadership and the distributed method is the idea of consistently growing new leaders. Since leadership in this model is meant to be shared, part of the role of a leader is to guide others to learn these qualities.

One of the main differences between traditional leadership and the distributed method is the idea of consistently growing new leaders. Since leadership in this model is meant to be shared, part of the role of a leader is to guide others to learn these qualities.

They must also be willing to take feedback well, and respond appropriately to the input of others. While giving and receiving feedback is important in any organization, in a small team working from a distributed leadership model, it’s a prerequisite for success.

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