Top Lean Tools

top lean tools

➨ The list of top lean tools are: 1 Kaizen 2 Single Piece Flow 3 Jidoka 4 Poka Yoke 5 Visual Management 6 Kanban 7 8 Lean Wastes 8 Six Big Losses 9 Smart Goals 10 Heijunka More items…

→ The Lean tool Kaizen includes the involvement of all employees, from top management to bottom personnel. → It Improves processes by eliminating waste. → Promotes personal growth of employees and the company. → Kaizen Improves quality, safety, cost structures, delivery, environments and it improves customer service/satisfaction.

Lean management is one of the top tools that eliminate waste in any process. Lean techniques are typically used in a production environment, and most examples in Lean training courses will focus on applying Lean techniques in these kinds of processes.

Top Lean Tools