Strategic Roadmap Example by Quarter

Strategic Roadmap Example by Quarter

A strategy roadmap describes the what and the why. An execution plan describes the how. A strategy roadmap is not a visual Gantt chart of activities with start dates and end dates. It describes what the organization must change, and why the changes are required, in order to achieve the strategic vision.

A powerful format and 3-step process to create your own 1-page quarterly strategic action plan to grow your company. As a leader of your company, you know it’s your job to keep your team and the company focused on the right things.

Creating Your One-Page Quarterly Strategic Action Plan in Three Simple Steps 1. Pick Your Three “Focus Areas” for the Quarter Your Focus Areas are the most important areas for your business to spotlight during the coming quarter. Sure, you’ll still have to take care of your company’s day-to-day operational needs.

Strategic Roadmap Example by Quarter