![Startup Executive Summary](https://taskoconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/Startup-Executive-Summary.jpg)
In order to do so you will have to provide a solid case for your business idea which makes your executive summary all the more important. A typical executive summary for a startup company includes the following sections: The business opportunity – describe the need or the opportunity.
This executive summary is built to provide a brief overview of the purpose and goals your business/ startup aims to achieve. The template has been constructed for you to only input the designated information- by doing so you should tackle the necessary information needed to either brush up your business idea or get your investors on board.
1) The executive summary would be used for providing initial due diligence for investors. 2) The executive summary would be used for organizing the main components of a business plan for a business, or probably in your case, your startup. Why is an Executive Summary Important?
Startup Executive Summary