The following RACI chart was made by a plant manager and his staff for a parking lot repaving project – The first three lines in the above RACI chart illustrate each of the R, A, C, and I definitions: The first task is to identify outside contractors to quote on the job.
Enter all project roles or team member names across the top row. List all tasks, milestones, and decisions down the left column. For each task, assign a responsibility value to each role or person on the team. This sample RACI chart gives you a quick glimpse at how all the pieces and parts come together. Ready to make a RACI chart of your own?
You can create a lot of efficiencies using a RACI chart on your project. When you create a RACI at the beginning of a project, it can be useful to help set expectations for who is managing or responsible for work going forward. People involved in the project should be able to clearly see where they need to be involved, and with which tasks.
RACI Chart