The project plan on ASR One-Page Project Management template uses a simple Google Spreadsheet that will be useful for small or medium sized projects. A stakeholder is anyone actively involved in the project, or anyone that may be positively or negatively affected as a result of the project.
Project on a page – Excel template based on The One Page Project Manager Actions Ian Seathattached OPPMI.pngto Project on a page – Excel template based on The One Page Project Manager Ian Seathrenamed Project on a page – Excel template based on The One Page Project Manager(from Project on a page – based on The One Page Project Manager)
To help you get started quickly, we’ve put together a list of the best PowerPoint templates for project management – from straight-forward project plans to complex Gantt charts and strategic product roadmaps. You can access these templates as Excel and PowerPoint files and customize them to fit the specific needs of your project.
Project Management 1 Pager Template