Evolution of the digital workplace

What is Evolution of the digital workplace? The below diagram explains Evolution of the digital workplace. This chart shows an important concept or a framework to help one run their business, improve company's strategy, internal processs, enhance project management, technology, and client experience.

Evolution of the digital workplace

The goal of the digital workplace is to craft a positive employee journey based on effective communication, collaboration, engagement, productivity, loyalty, a sense of belonging built upon diversity and inclusion, and personal fulfillment.

“There is definitely a new paradigm emerging that sees a culmination of several trends in business and technology. It is much more dynamic and evolutionary in its approach to digital workplace strategy,” Maley said.

Neta Meidav, CEO and co-founder of Vault Platform, a London-based mobile app that gives employee a way to report workplace misconduct, said the new digital workplace paradigm includes the use of innovative technology in the fight against discrimination and intolerance.