Brand Plan 3 Ps Purpose Promise Potential

Brand Plan 3 Ps Purpose Promise Potential

I’ve used this 3 P’s structure of Product, Perspective and Purpose to gain consensus and build brands at a diverse set of companies. It is my way to use concepts every business person can relate to, yet remain true to my belief that a corporate brand impacts the business. So I guess I kept the dog bone, but found a new trick–not a bad compromise.

If the customer experience doesn’t match the brand promise, the value of your brand is weakened. An example of a brand promise not living up to expectations comes from Ford Motor Company. During the 1980s, Ford’s brand promise was “Quality is Job 1.” However, owners of Ford’s vehicles were not impressed as they routinely spent money on repairs.

A Brand Promise Is: Credible If the customer experience doesn’t match the brand promise, the value of your brand is weakened. An example of a brand promise not living up to expectations comes from Ford Motor Company. During the 1980s, Ford’s brand promise was “Quality is Job 1.”

Brand Plan 3 Ps Purpose Promise Potential