
6s Powerpoint Diagram

6S is a lean process improvement tool that aims to promote and sustain a high level of productivity and safety throughout a workspace. It is an extension of the 5S methodology, which includes the principles of Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. The 6S method adds the concept of Safety to the 5S principle. The six components of the 6S methodology are:

1. Sort (Seiri): Sorting aims to reduce clutter and make it easier for essential work items to be easily located for improved efficiency. “Red tagging” is often done to mark unnecessary items for immediate disposal, while “yellow tagging” can be applied for those items that can be temporarily kept off-site for future use.
2. Set in order (Seiton): In this stage, items, equipment, and work materials tagged as essential in the first stage should be placed in an organized manner in the most logical locations. The objective of ‘Set in Order’ (or ‘Straighten’) is to establish a systematic way of storing and retrieving items, thus helping maximize accessibility and space.
3. Shine (Seiso): After non-essential items have been removed and essential items have been organized, the next step is cleansing. The third stage of the 6S lean system, also known as ‘Shine’, includes activities such as cleaning the workplace, maintaining its pleasant appearance, and using preventive steps to keep workspaces tidy and clean. The objective is to create an environment that prevents injuries and products from being stained due to uncleanliness.
4. Standardize (Seiketsu): ‘Standardize’ is the fourth 6S method stage that aims to establish a new workplace norm by identifying best practices and creating consistent procedures for the first three stages. It aims to help people have the same work routines in their processes and develop more efficient habits. This can be done by providing visual reminders, setting expectations of workers’ responsibility, and conducting routine inspections and regular site checks.
5. Sustain (Shitsuke): This is the most challenging step of the 6S method as the goal is to ensure that standardized procedures are applied continually over a long period of time until it becomes second nature in day-to-day work.
6. Safety: The 6S method adds the concept of safety to the 5S principle. 6S lean not only helps organizations promote efficient working environments but also establishes a sustainable culture of safety.

The 6S methodology is widely used in manufacturing and other industries to promote efficient working environments and establish a sustainable culture of safety .