Technical Architecture Layers

Technical Architecture Layers

Technical Architecture Layers are a way of organizing the components of a software system into different levels of abstraction, responsibility, and functionality. They help to ensure that the system meets the requirements, follows the design principles, and facilitates the development and maintenance processes. There are different types of technical architecture layers, but one of the most common ones is the four-layered architecture, which consists of:

– Presentation Layer: This layer is responsible for user interactions with the software system. It handles the input and output of data, such as graphical user interfaces, web pages, or mobile applications. It also applies the user interface design, such as colors, fonts, layouts, and animations. The presentation layer communicates with the application layer through well-defined interfaces or APIs.
– Application/Business Layer: This layer handles aspects related to accomplishing functional requirements, such as business logic, workflows, rules, validations, calculations, and transactions. It also coordinates the communication between the presentation layer and the domain layer, and implements the application security, such as authentication and authorization. The application layer is often divided into sub-layers, such as controllers, services, or facades, depending on the design pattern used.
– Domain Layer: This layer is responsible for algorithms, and programming components that represent the core concepts and entities of the problem domain. It encapsulates the domain knowledge, such as definitions, attributes, behaviors, and relationships. It also ensures the integrity and consistency of the data, by applying domain rules and constraints. The domain layer is usually implemented using object-oriented or functional