Quarterly Planning Agile

What is Quarterly Planning Agile? The below diagram explains Quarterly Planning Agile. This chart shows an important concept or a framework to help one run their business, improve company's strategy, internal processs, enhance project management, technology, and client experience.

Quarterly Planning Agile

Quarterly Planning Agile is a method of planning and managing ongoing projects in an agile environment. In this approach, teams focus on delivering value in short, iterative cycles, typically lasting a few weeks to a few months . The goal of Quarterly Planning Agile is to provide a framework for teams to work together more effectively and efficiently, while also ensuring that the project stays on track and meets its goals .

The process of Quarterly Planning Agile involves several steps. First, the team must define the vision and outline the strategic themes. These themes are organization-wide focus areas that help the team prioritize their work and allocate resources . Next, the team identifies the big ticket items that are required to support each theme . These items are then broken down into smaller pieces, such as epics, which can help with agile quarterly planning . This gives the team a granular view of all the steps required to achieve their initiative.

Once the team has identified the big ticket items and broken them down into smaller pieces, they can begin to plan their work for the upcoming quarter. This involves estimating the amount of work required for each epic and prioritizing them based on their importance and value . The team then creates a roadmap that outlines the work that will be done over the next few months . This roadmap is used to guide the team’s work and ensure that they are making progress towards their goals.

Throughout the quarter, the team works in short, iterative cycles to deliver value to the customer . At the end of each cycle, the team reviews their progress and makes any necessary adjustments to their plan . This allows the team to respond quickly to changes and ensure that they are delivering the most value to the customer.

In conclusion, Quarterly Planning Agile is a powerful tool for managing ongoing projects in an agile environment. By breaking down work into smaller pieces and working in short, iterative cycles, teams can deliver value to the customer more quickly and efficiently. The process of Quarterly Planning Agile involves several steps, including defining the vision, identifying big ticket items, breaking them down into smaller pieces, and planning work for the upcoming quarter. By following these steps, teams can stay on track and ensure that they are making progress towards their goals .