Purchase Order Workflow

Purchase Order Workflow

A purchase order workflow is a series of steps that an organization follows to approve purchase orders. The workflow can differ from company to company, but it usually includes the following steps :

1. The buyer identifies a purchase need and finds a vendor.
2. The buyer reviews the potential purchase (usually with a purchase requisition).
3. The buyer creates and internally approves the purchase order.
4. The buyer sends the purchase order to the seller.
5. The seller approves the purchase order or asks for amendments.
6. The buyer confirms the order.
7. The seller delivers the goods and sends an invoice.

To build a purchase order workflow, you can follow these steps :

1. Map out the steps.
2. Create purchase categories.
3. Assign team members.
4. Automate.
5. Test the system.

The benefits of a purchase order workflow include open communication, easy planning, and better inventory tracking . If you’re interested in learning more about how to build a purchase order workflow, check out this article by Jotform.