Leader vs manager leader vs follower venn diagram

Leader vs manager leader vs follower venn diagram

A leader leads by example a follower depends on others. If there is not a set path a true leader will blaze new trails to reach their goals. A follower will remain idle until given explicit directives. 2. A leader depends on his courage, a follower struggles to find a spine.

Provide a tool for gaining shared understanding of team leaders’ roles/responsibilities Acknowledge that each team might intentionally have different dividing lines of leaders’ roles/responsibilities Add clarity for team leaders’ day-to-day (both for team leaders, and all other teammates) Voila! A Team Leader Venn Diagram:

Leaders achieve their status because followers have allowed them to take the lead; managers are appointed to their positions. As such, leaders’ power comes from their credibility, passion, and knowledge. Managers are in a position of authority, with their power coming from the ability to hire, fire, evaluate, and recommend employees.

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