DISC Personality Profile Diagram

DISC Personality Profile Diagram

DISC Personality types diagram below shows the 4 key personalities that can emerge both under the normal circumstances but also in the crisis. DISC stands for Dominant, Influential, Steady and Compliant personality types. Dominant is someone who is direct and decisive but may be demanding and appear not as a people person. Influential is someone who is inspirational and interactive but may appear irritating. Steady is someone who is stable and supportive but may appear slow and sensitive. Compliant is someone who is careful but may appear calculating. Dominant and Compliant are Task / Process focused while Influential and Steady are People focused. Dominant and Influential are Leadership / Active personality types while Steady and Compliant are more Reflective and Supportive types. DISC diagram below is a good summary of these personality types and can help one thrive in the organizational environment.

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